Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bloggers in Favor of Knol

Slowly blog posts writing favorable things about Knol are appearing.

Some of them are:

Wikipedia vs Google Knol
By Becki Noles

It's Knol and No One Else

Visitors to Knol Increasing Day by Day

Narayana Rao, a top ranked knol author reported that daily visitors number to his knol portfolio has gone above 1500.

In the last four months, visitors are increasing and page views also are increasing for the knol portfolio. Number of new knols written on Knol platform also is close to 1000 on many days.

For historical record of NRao visitors numbers and page view numbers


Monday, November 15, 2010

Cost Accouting Knol Book Launched

Number of knol books are getting launched on Knol. Knol has 500,000 knols on various topics providing large number of articles for developing books based on collection basis. The collections also indicate to author topics on which knols are yet to be written. This these knol books provide information to knol authors to write on topics that are not existing.

The cost accounting knol book has now four chapters.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Scope for Posting Problems and Examples on Knol

Knol is focused on Study materials for school, College and University Education as well as for continuing education.

In this respect, there is a big scope for teachers and authors to post articles/knols/papers having practice problems in various subjects. Some of them can be given solutions in a separate page or in the same sheet. There is an effort to organize knol books by combing articles of various authors. Hence web pages having only problems also will get promoted as part of some Knol Books.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Knol Book Publishing Facilitated by Knol Collection Feature

Knols books can be published in various ways.

A single author can write the full textbook and some of the chapters or sections can be coauthored by other authors.

Equity Research - Online Textbook on Knol was announced which will be developed on the basis of single author knol textbook. But initially, knols by other authors are being collected to present quickly study material to knol visitors in a book format.

A knol book can be developed as a collaborative textbook. In a collaborative Knol textbook, different authors write different chapters and this is predecided for authors join the collaboration as they come to know of the book's development.

Knol book of readings can also be developed. This model was started sometime early but was not used that frequently. Once again on Knol this model is becoming popular.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Textbook Writing can be rewarding on Knol

A knol author advocates that writing online textbooks on Knol can be rewarding. Authors can write a textbook in the form of 300 knols as one knol for each section in a chapter. If thousand persons read the book fully in a year around $300 to $400 income will come to an author. This can be a comparable income with print books on an expected result basis. If the book is read by 10,000 persons fully in year the income will be $3000 to $4000 per year.

While the per copy income will be low in online books, the probability of getting more visitors and readers is high on Knol as readers are accessing it free of cost and also readers from any country can access it at any time they want.

The knol comparing online publishing and print publishing

One more Knol Textbook launched - Equity Research

An online textbook on Equity Research was launched on Knol. Presently the scheme of the book is posted. This book will be based on the course plan posted on Knol.

Equity research course at NITIE

The book's link is

Equity Research Online Book

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Knol Textbook on Industrial Engineering in a 300 Knol Format

A Knol textbook on Industrial engineering was launched in a 300 knol format. Like medical books on Knol, it will take quiet sometime for the book to come into full shape. But the concept is being demonstrated through assembling of the existing knols on industrial engineering.

Introduction to Industrial Engineering - Online Textbook on Knol

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Online Writing - Various Purposes

Online Writing for promoting action

Online Writing for breaking news

Online Writing for coaching people

Online Writing for debates and discussion

Online Writing for for education

Online Writing for friendship and fellowship

Online Writing for greater good

Online Writing for health promotion

Online Writing for intellectual stimulation

Online Writing for journalistic pursuit

Online Writing for knowledge transfer

Online Writing for literary work

Online Writing for mastering a subject

Online Writing for

Online Writing for expressing opinions

Online Writing for poetry writing

Online Writing for questioning things

Online Writing for encouraging reading

Online Writing for creating study materials

Online Writing for developing textbooks

Online Writing for promoting understanding by explaining things from different perspectives

Online Writing for spreading your vision

Online Writing for spreading your wisdom

Online Writing for eXercise of your brain

Online Writing for connecting with youth

Online Writing for showing your zeal

Monday, November 1, 2010

Knol University Launched by a Knol Author

Knol University - Writing Knols, Promoting Knols, Gaining Reputation and Making Money, a Knol Collection was launched bya knol author.

Number of Knol authors have shared their ideas and practices on Writing Knols and Promoting Knols. Knol authors are happy to share their experience and thinking with fellow knol authors as well as new knol authors through Knols as well as through discussions in Knol discussion or bulletin boards or through comments on Knol Help knols or various other knols.

This collection is meant to showcase all such knols written to share experience in the area of writing and promoting knols.

Visit the collection that is slowly increasing by finding and adding more and more knols.
