Thursday, December 17, 2009

Knol is Green All Over

Many authors have written about various green initiatives on knol. If you are looking for articles on green initiatives knol will be a good source.

Visit Knol Sub-Directory - Environmental Management - Interesting Knols

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Knol Success - Second Million Page View Knol Author

Today one more knol author cross million page view mark. He is a korean author.

It is more interesting that his weekly page views have crossed 100,000 mark which shows that he can have 5 million page views in a year. Great news for knol platform. Also hindi knol competition is attracting authors as well as visitors. One may hope for a million page views from this competition for knol. The top 200 authors of knol may give one million weekly page views for knol shortly.

Good things are happening on knol.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Knol Progess - Weekly Bulletin 13.12.2009

Number of knols published []
Search returned 529,000

Centurion Knollers identified 69
Centurion Knollers - Knol Authors

Millionaire Knollers: 1
Millionaire Knollers - Million Page View Knol Authors

Number of Top Viewed Knols
(Search Link)
2307 to be updated

Number of knols with 100,000 page views 9

Number of authors (Most Viewed)
(Search Link)
Page Views Number One Author - eHowKnol - 1,071,000
Page Views Number Two Author - 손지훈 - 941,000
Page Views Number Three Author - Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. - 635,000

Author to be watched György Tausz (Spanish) - 245,256

Number of authors with 100,000 page views: 68
Number of authors with 50,000 page views: 157
Top Knol Authors - Top Knollers
Page views 800th author Abdullah Al-Ghamdi : 11,000

Quality Badge Knols (Based on favorite button, ratings and reviews)
(Search Link)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hindi Knol Competition December 2009

Google announce a Hindi knol competition in December 2009. The last date of entries is 31st January 2009.

The competition is attracting knols at the rate of 20 a day now. The number will pick up and around 2000 entries may come on different topics.

New Hindi knol competition December 2009

Hindi Knol Contest - स्वीट पोटेटो करी - A Sweet Potato Curry

An entry of last Hindi Knol contest. It has 786 page views so far.

सामग्री : २ लोगो के लिए
शकरकंद : १ बड़ा (उपरी छिलके को निकालकर छोटे एक समान टुकडो में कटा हुआ )
ताजे नारियल का दूध : ४२५ एम्मेल
प्याज : १ ( छोटे एक सामान टुकडो में कटा हुआ)
लाल मसाला : १५ ग्राम
नमक : स्वाद के असार
तेल : ३० एम्मेल

लाल मसाला बनाने की सामग्री :
काश्मीरी सुखी लाल मिर्च : ४-५ ( इन्हें गुनगुने पानी में १० मिनट तक भिगोये)
प्याज : लगभग १२० ग्राम ( बारीक कटा हुआ )
लहसुन : ४ कलियाँ ( बारीक कटी हुई )
अदरक : ५-७ ग्राम ( कदुकs किया हुआ )
धनिया पाउडर : ७ ग्राम
जीरा पाउडर : १५ ग्राम
सफ़ेद मिर्च पाउडर : ५ ग्राम
नमक : स्वाद के अनुसार

बनाने की विधि :
लाल मसाला बनाने की विधि :
1) लाल मसाला की सभी सामग्रियों को मिक्सी की मदद से पीस दीजिये.

अ स्वीट पोटेटो करी बनाने की विधि :
1) एक बड़ी कडाई में तेल गरम कीजिये. कटे हुए प्याज को इस गरम तेल में ३-४ मिनट तक पकाए.
2) अब लाल मसाला डालिए और उसे लगभग २-३ मिनट तक पकाए.
3) कटे हुए शकरकंद को डालकर लगभग ४-५ मिनट तक पकाए.
4) ताजे नारियल का दूध और स्वाद के अनुसार नमक मिलाकर धीमी आंच पर तब तक पकाए जब तक शकरकंद बराबर
पक न जाए.
5) लो हो गयी तैयार गरमा गरम "अ स्वीट पोटेटो करी" जिसे आप बासमति चावल के साथ परोस सकती हैं.

एक सुचना :
बची हुई लाल मसाला की पेस्ट को आप फ्रिज में थोड़े दिनों के लिए रख सकती है.

Sheetal Mehta
being distributed through this blog under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (11.12.2009)

Hindi cooking knol sub-directory

New Hindi knol competition December 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Million page view knol authors

eHowknol already has million page view.

A korean author will have million page views by end of this

Presently Narayana Rao is having 600,000 page views and his monthly page views are 100,000. There another knol author from spanish language who is clocking around 50,000 page views per week or 200,000 page views per month. These figures are challenging other knol authors to increase their output as well as promotion to ramp up their page views. Good for knol that visible and interesting page view targets are there for many authors to aim for and achieve.

Knol weekly progress bulletin

Knol Marathon Commentary - 6.12.2009

Posted. The subject of focus: History.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Well Read Dermatology Articles on Knol

On knol number of dermatology specialist doctors have written articles. Some of these doctors are

Eric Bernstein
NYC Dermatologist
Danny Siegenthaler
Yoram Harth MD, FAAD
Jack Resneck, Jr, MD
Bryan Cho MD, PhD
Lindy P. Fox, MD
Felix Kuo
Suraj Venna, MD

39 articles on dermatology on knol can be accessed through the sub-directory

Knol Sub-Directory - Dermatology