Knol New Year Greetings
Knol is starting fourth year of public operations on 27 July Knol can be made a top 1000 website by us (Knol authors) Let us try and achieve it this year. Achieved in September 2011. Knol is now top 1000 website with 5.6 million estimated unique monthly visitors
Greetings to all Knol Visitors, Authors and
All the best to you and All the Best to Knol.
Knol is top 1000 website in September 2011
Top 1000 Websites - Ranked on Unique Visitors per Month
Knol Page Views and Visitors - Historical Record - K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao
26 July 2011
Third Year Achievements of Knol.
Library of +600,000 knols
Around 50,000 popular knols
Estimated 2.5 million to 5 million unique visitors to Knol in a month.
Estimates: Quantcast indicates 251,000 US monthly visitors. To find global multiply it by 10 to get 2.5 million monthly visitors.
My portfolio monthly unique visitors are 48,000 today. If you assume, I get one percent of the traffic to knol, multiply it by 100 to get 4.8 million visitors per month.
So Knol is having good visitors numbers. Knol authors can be happy.
Achievements of Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.
Total knols posted 5000
Daily Page views peak number 3055
Daily visitors peak numbers 2173
Knol can be made a top 1000 website by us (Knol authors)
Specify Categories to all of your knols.
Join Knol Author Foundation to think of some collective initiatives for Knol and for executing them.
Collected Knols
- Knol Page Views and Visitors - Historical Record - K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao
Page views per month: 107,732; Monthly visits: 78,972, Monthly unique visitors: 70,227 - Knol Directory of Interesting Knols
Knol Directory - Pages Presented Subjectwise - Alphabetwise - Knol Month of Regional Content - August
- Knol Sub-Directory List - Countries
Regional Content on Knol - Country Knol Directories
Short urls
Narayana Rao - 22 Sep 2011