Saturday, September 7, 2013

Active Knol Authors - New Site Details

The Knol will have the details of new locations of Knol authors after migration of their knols. 

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. migrating some knols to
Management Theory Review blog on Blogger
MBA Course Knowledge Center
Bulk of the knols will go to Wordpress

Đặng-Vũ Chính   Knols on various cities with beautiful pictures.
Ian Grant Spong
Robert Avery
Wilson Villaure

81 to 90
Valentina Bongiolatti

51 to 60 Knols

Ahmed Oguzhan   Islam
Cyril Bladier
Dara Greaney  Automotive parts (buying and using)
dr mandi Ph.d
Francisco Quiumento  Brazil  235,406 cpv (19.8.2010) Chemistry
Gladys Gahona  366,784 cpv (19.8.2010)

41 to 50 Knols
Dr. Charles M.
Joanne Musa - Tax lien investing
John A. Gowan Good knols but low wpv 405 (9.10.2010)
Koen Samyn  41 knols + 3 collections
Lev Regelson
Vinod Jain

31 to 40 knols
Alex Spence
Charles Goulding Energy tax savings
Raj Persaud  Psychologist and Psychiatrist
Sharath K
Tamoikins Museum  Art related knols
Tim Haynes  Digital branding

21 to 30

Allard Strijker
Andrew Czernek
Volkmar Weiss (German) (20.9.2010)
William Whetstone
Adam Fultz (22.9)
Alon Holliday (11.1.2011)
Arno Janssen (30.3.2011)
Gayle Cotton  National Emmy Award winner
Jim Morelli  625 wpv
John Britto
Josephine Acosta-Pasricha  University Professorial Lecturer, Writer, Researcher, 22,287 pv
julie shoemaker (painting)
Kamal Chaouachi (6.10)
Kazuhiko Kotani
Kyla Quinlan  339 wpv
Lanny M
Lyudmil Antonov  Bulgaria
Mauri  Professor, posted some course schedules in Sociology
Melisende d'Outremer  Laws related to women
Multivision Technosys   SEO services

Information related to more authors is being covered in English Knol Author Directory

Hardyna Vedder

Promote Your Knol

Using Twitter, Orkut, Linkedin,  Facebook, Xomba, Snipsly, Digg, Delicious, Stumbled  upon, and Your Blog.
Original Knol: Knol Number 2919

Centurion Knollers - Knol Authors - New Site Details

Centurion Knollers - Knol Authors - New Site Details

New Year Greetings


Congratulations Will Johnson

First English Language author to register more than 500 knols with 1000 page views and more. Actually there are 519 knols (15.2.2011) with 1000 page views and more.

67,490 weekly page views.

Will Johnson is also the first English Language Individual author to register weekly page views above 50,000. Adsense income follows page views.

There are more knol authors who wrote more than 500 knols and many of them will soon follow Johnson to increase promtion for their knols.

What is the performance of  top 200 knol authors?
Weekly page views of top 200 authors 735,000

Centurion - (ancient Rome) the leader of 100 soldiers
Centurion Knoller - Author of 100 knols
Number of Centurion Knollers Identifed So Far: 124
124th author -  tapas kannoujia     302 (8.11.2011)
123rd author -  Nicholas Bishop    279 (3.11.2011)
122nd author - Nikita Verma     140 knols (3.11.2011)
121th author - Koen Samyn             115 (3.11.2011)
120th author - Rami ALKHALIFA ALALI  230 (13.8.2011) Arabic author
119th author - DMR Sekhar     106 (10.6.2011)
118th author - Aljofi,  503 (31.5.2011)
117th author - Lombardi Publishing  200 knols (17.5.2011)
116th author - AAFM® American Academy of Financial Management ® 113 knols (26.4.2011)
115th author - bury shane    135 knols (27.3.2011)
114th author - Mohit Mathur 144 knols (27.3.2011)
113rd author - Aloke Kumar  148 knols (7.3.2011)
112th author - Vikas Mishra 105 knols (27.2.2011)
111th author -  Spinx Web Design  214 knols (17.2.2011)
110th author - nina king  135 knols (13.2.2011)
109th author -  Klaus Rohde  95 knols + 6 collections (07.01.2011)
108th author -  Amie Deforge  143 knols (9.12.2010)
107th author -   sarkozy mikal  - 166 knols (4.10.2010)
106th author -  Stephane JOURDAN  -  92 knols +   9 collections (10.9.2010)
105th author -  pam  108 knols  10.9.2010
104th author - Carolyn Clayton  119 knols  8.9.2010
103rd author - Peter Mersch  96 knols + 17 collections  24.8.2010
102nd author -  Gerco Kanbier  100 knols + 36 collections 1.8.2010
101st author - vandana gupta   143 knols (19.7.2010)
100th author -وقع وذكر الإسلامي   168 knols 168  (14.7.2010)
99th author -  Antonio Centeno 103 + 3 (14.7.2010)
98th author --  eDesk Online  298 knols (14.7.2010)
97th author -  Ricardo Calderon Magaña 100 knols (26.6.2010)
96th author - Vlassis Rassias  200 knols (14.6.2010)

95th author - Jharna Bhatnagar  112 knols, Subject - Indian Marriages
94th author - Daniel Snyder  101 knols and 38,166 cum page views and 1565 wpv (26.5.2010)
93rd author - Katy (117 knols 25.5.2010)
92nd author - ATANU SHAW (166 knols 23.5.2010)
91st author - David Gray  (159 knols 18.5.2010)

90th author - Fernando Antonio Ruano Faxas (115 knols 11.5.2010)
89th author -  Wendy Gorman  (144 knols 1.5.2010)
88th author - mark richard
87th author  -  Gust MEES
86th author - Sanjiv Swarup
85th author Artur Landerzon Barrera Garcia
80th author: Shastri JC Philip
Add your name or any name you know who has posted 100 knols so far. You can correct the number of knols to show the current figure.
Identification being done sequentially accessing the authors' names through the search results of top viewed authors - search link

Centurion Knollers

Number of knols are written beside the author's name. (Knol started  on 2 December 2008)
For information on recent entries into the list, please see the comments.
ahmed elserwy  100 knols +  (23.3.2010) weekly pageviews 1295

Alessia Nera -- 147 knols   Recent weekly page views 2723 (indicates that next year he will have at least minimum 100,000 page views)
Aloke Kumar - 148 knols (7.3.2011)
Andreas Kemper 155

Antonio Centeno 103 + 3 (14.7.2010)
apline 300 knols,  170,273 page views on 19.10.2009

Artur Landerzon Barrera Garcia   101 knols (23.3.2010)

ATANU SHAW  (166 knols 23.5.2010)

Ben Rozema 180 knols 
bury shane 135 (27.3.2011)
Carolyn Clayton   119 knols (8.9.2010)
Dane Fletcher 526 knols

Daniel Snyder  101 knols and 38,166 cum page views and 1565 wpv (3.5.2010)
Dark Magus 463 knols + 1 collection

david cowley  274 knols + 7 collections (on 21.3.2010)
David Gray  156 knols + 1  collection on organic and biomaterials chemistry

Deef Deef   127
DMR Sekhar 106 (10.6.2011) 
Dr. Max Daunderer 241 knols
eDesk Online  298 knols (14.7.2010) 512 knols
eHowKnol --- 325 knols
Congratulations. First million page view author
ELAL MOVERS  601 knols

Eric Clausen 66 knols + 42 collections
Fernando Antonio Ruano Faxas   (115 knols 11.5.2010)
Fran Gangloff  - 142 knols
Georgian Knols   12 knols +215 collections
Gerco Kanbier  100 knols + 36 collections
Gust MEES   (106 knols  24.4.2010)
Hugh Pickens 188 knols
Iggy Kin 171
iMedPub 146 knols + 20 collections
James S. Kim  (Korean authors - writes in Englsh also) 102 knols (on 15.3.2010)

Jed Crowl, Travel Expert, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, 185

Jesus Martin Calvo 107 Google+ link

Jharna Bhatnagar  112 knols (11.6.2010)
Joern Gruber alias योगानन्दिन् Yogānandin 99 knols + 1 collection
Jörn Gruber  95+21 collections
kalle schwarz 92 knols + 12 collections
Katy  117 knols (25.5.2010)

Koen Samyn                  115 knols (3.11.2011)

Krishan Maggon 119 knols and collections (20.1.2010)
khuda dad azara, 123 knols
Leonard Smith  268 knols

Lombardi Publishing  200 knols

maryvonne pellay 174

mark richard  (320 knols 24.4.2010) (472 on 13.7.2010)
Matt Bacak  477 knols
minoo bhagia (99 knols + 1 collection)

Moharram Khalifa  437 (25.9.2010)

Mohit Mathur 144 (27.3.2011)
Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.  3980 (27.3.2011),   1,418,975 page views (11.8.2009) (Presently get on an average 2100 page views per day in Google Analytics data. Peak 2700 (27.3.2011)
Nikita Verma     140 knols (3.11.2011)
Nicholas Bishop   279 (3.11.2011)
nina king  135 knols (13.2.2011)

pam  108 knols 10.9.2010
Patrick Lahaye 115 knols + 4 collections 
Peter Greenfinch 163 + 17 collections + 4 reviews (11.4.2011)

P V Ariel 102 Knols
Ragnar Storyteller 151 knols

Rami ALKHALIFA ALALI  230 (13.8.2011) Arabic author
Ricardo Calderon Magaña  100 (26.6.2010)

Sajid Khan 289  Google+ link

Salim Djelouat (158 knols + 25 collections)

SANGITA PURI (Hindi)  - 100 knols (14.3.2010)

Sanjiv Swarup   - 107 knols (18.4.2010)

Sébastien BURNEAU 171 knols + 17 collections

Shastri JC Philip  - 110 Knols + Collections (4.3.2010)
Spinx Web Design   - 214 knols (17.2.2011)

Stephane JOURDAN  -  92 knols +   9 collections (10.9.2010)

Suresh Emre 174,
tapas kannoujia  302 knols (8.11.2011) 
Tom Rosenbauer  105 knols

vandana gupta   143 knols (19.7.2010)
Vikas Mishra 105 knols (27.2.2011)
Vlassis Rassias  (Greek) 200 knols

Wendy Gorman  (144 knols 1.5.2010)

Will Johnson  -- 181 
425 knols + 6 collections (on 5.3.2010)
Wlodzimierz Holsztynski  113 knols + 1 collection
Zia Shah  106 knols (25.1.2010)


ahmed elserwy  100 knols (23.3.2010) weekly pageviews 1295
عبدالرحيم المضيان,  503 (31.5.2011)
THE CLINIC العيادة
doctor at private clinic 164 knols + 6 collections
 284 knols
By Moharram Khalifa 437  (25.9.2010)
195 Knols 
Mansour Mansour 144 knols
101 knols

178 knols(25.1.2010)
168 knols (13.7.2010)


力懿 373
毛贻军 147 + 2
自由作者 at


Patrick Lahaye 115 knols + 4 collections


G.K. Awadhiya   जी.के. अवधिया 124 knols (22.1.2010)
SANGITA PURI                       100 knols (14.3.2010)
vandana gupta   143 knols (19.7.2010)


Alex Bertolini  263 Knols
Consulta degli Esperti 1229 knols + 12 collections


横山泰行  423 knols


손지훈  171 knols, 32,975 weekly page views, 706,416 cumulative page views
Global Number One Knol Author
Global Number One Individual Knol Author
Million page view author
James S. Kim  (Korean authors - writes in Englsh also) 102 knols (on 15.3.2010)



György Tausz 188 knols
Salvador Porras Obeso 181 knols + 6 collections

Centurion Knollers - Knol Authors with Top Quality Author Award

Top Pick Author Award
Top Pick Author Award
This list shows that many authors have committed significant amount of time to the knol platform. 

Related Article about Knol Authors

Weekly Page Views of TOP Knol Authors

Active Knol Authors -  New Site Details

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Knol Number 545