Commentary on Knollers, Knolers, Knol Helpers, Knol Managers, Knol Promoters, Knols, Knol Critics, Knol Knights, Knol Wisemen and Many others Connected to Knol
Browse Knol Using
Knol Directory,
Knol Directory of Interesting Knols,
Knol Directory - New Knols
Knols Edited Today - Category Listing
Education, Business and Science Entertainment, Music ,
Regional content, Society ,
Health Internet, Industries, Shopping Reference
New Knols Posted Today - Category Listing
Education, Business, and Science ,
Entertainment, Music ,
Regional content, Society
Health ,
Internet , Industries, Shopping Reference
10 million will Knol a rank of 444
Presently at 444 rank 10 million unique visitors per month.
Knol is Top 1000 Website
Bahamas ,
Bangladesh ,
Barbados ,
Belarus ,
Belize ,
Benin ,
Bhutan ,
Bolivia ,
Albania ,
Algeria ,
Andorra ,
Angola ,
Antigua and Barbuda ,
Armenia ,
Australia ,
Austria ,
Azerbaijan ,
Knol Promotion Board today (Visit it)
Knols on Bahrain, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil
Knols on Andorra, Antigua, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas
Knols on Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria
New Entrants into Knol Marathon
963 new entries.
July 2011
968 new entries into Knol Marathon.
Knol months of home page categories will present you specially decorated knol collections.
Based on the top 1000 web sites released by Google, many websites are stating that top 1000 website requires 4.1 million unique visitors per month.
Is knol getting 4.1 million visitors already?
My knol portfolio is getting 47,111 unique absolute visitors per month. Assume it is one percent of visitors to Knol. Knol may be getting 4,711, 100 visitors per month. More than 4.1 million unique visitors per month.
Knol Page Views and Visitors - Historical Record - K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao
Cumulative Visits and Page views of Narayana Rao
On 12.7.2011: 704,269 visits, 999,717 page views
Knol engine pulling its knols further with more visitors flocking to visit it.
51,541 monthly visitors and
73,463 monthly page views recorded today for a portfolio.
Knol portfolios attracting good number of visitors. The initial estimate for visitors to a portfolio today is all time high of 1861 visits. This is likely to be revised down later in the day. Still, the figure is likely to be above 1800. Now knol authors can benchmark their performance against
Top 100 Authors on .
The revised figure is 1794 visits and 2590 page views per the day.
Knol will be unavailable during scheduled maintenance starting at April 6, 2011 9:30:00 PM UTC+5:30. We expect the maintenance to be completed at April 6, 2011 11:30:00 PM UTC+5:30. Version: Bnorfolk465
Very good momentum of visitors and page views. In the first 8 hours today, there were 768 visitors and 1,162 page views. If the trend continues, new daily visitor and page records will be registered.
Shopping category has good number of top viewed knols for various shopping items.
200 knol books posted
List of Knol Books by Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.
List-2 of Knol Books by Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.
Latest page view record
Monthly visitors: 43,277
Historical record
Monthly Page views 62,232
Historical record
Knol Page Views and Visitors - Historical Record - K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao
Knol spectator interest growing. More page views and viewers. Historical records made today by a knoller.
Monthly visitors: 37,521
Historical record
Monthly Page views 53,506
Historical record
Daily visitors 1598
Historical record
Daily page views 2361
Historical record
Knol authors are active. These days, on many days more than 1000 knols are being posted.
There many popular knols now on Knol.
Right Click on the Link and See the Search Results
Categories on Knol Home Page
Business, Administration, Management 20,124 total knols 800 knols with 2000 or more page views
Education, Training, Teaching 7976 total knols - 800 knols with 1000 or more page views
Entertainment, Vacation, Holidays 9604 total knols - 800 knols with 1000 or more page views
Health, Medicine, Treatment 14,427 knols - 800 knols with 2000 or more page views
Industry, Industries, Factory 6239 knols - 800 knols with 1000 or more page views
Internet, Online, Virtual 21,675 knols - 800 knols with 1000 or more page views
Music, Singing, Song 4792 knols - 737 knols with 500 or more page views
Reference, Research, Knowledge - 6158 knols - 800 knols with 1000 or more page views
Regional content, USA, India - 8936 knols - 800 knols with 1000 page views or more
Science, Scientist, Experiment - 7724 knols - 800 knols with 2000 page views or more
Shopping, Car, Dress - 8527 knols - 800 knols with 500 page views or more
Society, Sociology, Social - 11,429 knols - 800 knols with 2000 page views or more
Additional Categories
Economics, Politics, Government - 3029 knols - 740 knols with 500 page views
Engineering, Technology, Machine - 4674 knols - 800 knols with 600 page views
Mathematics, Statistics, Logic - 1070 - 496 knols with 500 page views
Religion, Culture, Philosophy - 3422 knols - 800 page views with 700 or more page views
Knol authors are very active. Today around 1250 knols are edited.
Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. daily page views of 2033. Still they will go up during the day. This is a very important marathon milestone. KVSS is the first individual English author to reach this milestone. He now turns to his other fellow runners and encourages them to them also to reach the milestone.
I tell one thing in class. Sachin Tendulkar or a Newbie, both have to play and score. Whoever scores will be on the playground and gets his score moving. Duckouts go back and sit in the pavilion.
Centurion Knol Author News
Century of centurion knollers will be hit shortly by Knol Author Cricket Team. The whole stadium of knol visitors are shouting four, six. People who watch cricket understand the sentiment.
Centurion Knollers - Knol Authors
Australia won the T20 semifinal match in an unbelievable manner. Cameron White and Mike Hussy hit sixes and sixes and sixes.
We want such knols authors who bring thousands of visitors to their knols in June and July and help Knol to close the second year with a bang.
Knol and Knollers in Social Media, Electronic and Print Media records some comments about knol made in various media.
P V Ariel joined the knol as coauthor.
KAF Writing Contest. launched to encourage knol writing.
Interesting things are going to happen in the coming days. Many authors are going to cross 100,000 page view milestone. We have reason to cheer everday.
Actor, Engineer, Scientist
Joined: Jan 31, 2010 8:11 PM
Remove unnecessary links
I think one link Written by Alex Abramovich for Prestige Auto Gallery should be sufficient advertisement for prestige auto gallery and the other three links can be removed to make the article a genuine knol.
May be "We at Prestige Auto Gallery charge $20 and make sure this service is done properly" is an appropriate link. Other two are not redundant links and can be removed. You are writing good informative articles. You will get good benefit of articles if you desist from giving unnecessary link.
All the best.
Max Iskram, Electronic Engineer - Industrial Manager for completing 100,000 page views. Content is king. Max writes on electronic devices and circuit design.
Specialist knol authors
He became the third individual knol author and the first English language knol author to have one million cumulative page views.
Top the Individual authors page views
Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. 1,001,112
Industrial Engineering and Management Faculty, National Institute of Industrial Engineering
Top three individual authors have now a total of 5,793,000 page views.
Top three individual authors have now a combined total of five million page views.
It is good to note that there are 51 knol authors today with more than 200,000 page views and 110 authors with more than 100,000 page views.
New Weekly Page Record 144,038 by Gyorgy Tausz
A new series of knol on small business were started by me.
New Knols - 2010 gives some of the knols on various role model companies being developed by me. 83rd centurion knol author were found today.
Centurion Knollers - Knol Authors. The list is slowly expanding. Hope the list touches 1000 in one more year. The 600th ranked author has 19,000 page views today. 800th ranked author(in all languages put together) has 15,000 page views. In one year time we are hoping for 1000th ranked author to have 100,000 page views. That will give 100,000,000 page views or 100 million page views from the top 1000 authors alone. At least 100,000 authors will join knol. Knol has to make more people aware of knol writing opportunities by attracting number of people to knol help main page.
Exciting News.
There are 581 top viewed English knol authors on 19.3.2010.
Narayana K.V.S.S. is the number one individual author with 907,000 page views.
68 authors have more than 100,000 page views.
154 authors (including 68) have more than 50,000 page views.
The 581st author has
Feanor93 13,000 page views.
Page Views Number Two Author -
eHowKnol - 1,536,000
A new author group is arranged to aggregate their page views and get a higher place in most viewed pages.
Knol Publishing Guild - KPG. Its presence is recognized and we hope it will do some good work to promote knol.
Mandi knols are many on knol.
Mandi is field selling learning event for students. A
mandi knol is featured on knol today.
All the best Jagdeep Kaur.
Number of Knols Posted So far in some languages
Knols in
Bengali 15
Gujarati 14
Hindi 5293
Kannada 49
Malayalam 73
Marathi 23
Oriya nil
Tamil 210
Telugu 114
For English if we search with the as the search word it is showing 116,000 knols
Interesting to note that top 4 authors have now total of 5 million page views.
Yokoyoma the Japanese author is posting more knols on his theme of comics. He is now having 496 knols.
His weekly page views are 17,025. Cumulative page views 244,171
Page Views Number Two Author -
eHowKnol - 1,354,000
see the knols on
Museums. 21 are there.
Two million page view author appeared on knol. Congratulations
The latest page view figures.
Page Views Number One Author -
손지훈 - 1,874,000
Page Views Number Two Author -
eHowKnol - 1,271,000
Author to be watched György Tausz (Hungarian)
From the last review to this review the korean number author has added 365,000 page views. Gyorgy Tausz has added 291,000. In contract ehowknol has added 101,000. Two individual authors in two different languages are racing ahead at a frentic pace. They ask other authors to look at their knol writing practices and improve them. Probably, English has plenty of articles already on various topics and for knol articles to break ahead, things are not easy. But recruiting more authors needs to be done on an urgent basis.
It is good to note that number of most viewed authors has crossed 3000. The minimum page views is 3000 for these authors. Hope this number goes up to 10,000 by the end of 2010. At least 1000 authors need to have 100,000 page views by year end. Presently 75 authors have achieved this distinction. 158 authors have crossed 50,000 page views.
The holiday is not knowledge time but enjoyment time. The page views of many authors did go down.
손지훈 has a recent wpv of 105,901 and cpv of 1,509,374. Great achievement
eHowknol has a recent wpv of 22,099 and cpv of 1,170,020.
New Weekly Page Views Record: 134,727
Global Top 3
손지훈: 1,186,000 page views
New Weekly Page Views Record: 134,727 (19.12.2009)
Two more authors to watch
Knol Marathon is a spectator sport. Scores are given by spectators. Money to the participants comes from spectators. There can be sponsors for some participants.
Knol marathon has dynamic targets with identified subraces. 25,000 page views (pv), 50,000 pv, 100,000 pv are the begineers' races. 250,000 pv, 500,000 pv, 750,000 pv and 10,000,000 are advanced races. These targets keep getting extended as race progresses. The million page view target is now added as eHowKnol achieved that target and racing ahead.
Like in a marathon race, the people who finish the race at a point in time cheer for the other participants. The participants do take some rest, but their vehicles and animals keep moving in the race. It means the participation is always there, even though the actual person is sleeping on his animal or in his vehicle.
Presently the participants ahead include eHowKnol, a korean knol writer and Narayana Rao (myself). In this race everybody has an animal or a vehicle. Some are high quality animals and some are second hand vehicles. Some participants are students and some participants are professors. Some participants are cooks and some participants are kings. Like in a marathon conducted fairly, some cooks come ahead of some kings and kings have to manage their frustration.
What is Global Warming? is on knol home page today. A simple knol explaining the historical account of the discovery of global warming and the mechanism of global warming. The subdirectory on environment management was updated with this knol. Now there are 90 knols in the list. Readers can suggest 10 more knols and this topic will have 100 knols.
손지훈: the korean author has become the number one global author of knol. Congratulations
Psychology sub-directory was also updated recently. There are 53 knols in this list now. Some of the knols are
Merry Christmas to all Knol Readers
Indian knol authors are facing the problem as by default the transliteration button is on and the posting is occuring in Hindi. I am totally troubled by this problem for two days and came to know the immediate remedy from knol help. I wrote frantic comments on a number of knols.
Brand Management
Brand management is an important part of marketing. A product made after understanding the requirements of consumer can be sold through trade channels i.e. retails shops without branding as a generic product. But manufacturers can try to brand their product among their target market and create a preference for their product among consumers. Consumers would still buy the product from the retailer but now he asking for a specific item made by specific manufacturer or a marketer. Branding, which is creating awareness among the target market people and creating a preference for the brand requires marketing investments. Companies are investing in branding because there is a return to brand investment. There are number knol authors who are trying explain branding and related issues on knol.
Concepts of brands
Some More knols having detailed material
See an interesting knol with only 200 page views but with four good comments
Knol authors are using twitter to promote your knols. Are you using all features of twitter. I am not. I have to use the ideas in the knol above. Money Power Wisdom Dr. Mani is the author. I appreciate his tips.
Knol readers are on holiday activities probably. Page views are going down drastically. That is fine. People need to enjoy spend time with their family members and friends. Web sites and documents are there anyway and they can be accessed only when they make sense and deliver some benefit.
Happy Holidaying.
अब मुझे हिंदी में लिखने पढ़ेगा|
ఇంగ్లిష్లో వ్రాయాలి అనుకుంటే హిందీలోనే వ్రాయాలి అని నోలు అంటోంది. తెలుగులో వ్రాస్తేనే బాగుంటుంది అని తెలుగులో వ్రాస్తున్న.
Some economic knols
It seems there is a lot of scope to write knols in the area of economics.
György Tausz is running strong. His weekly page views are now 62,757. Probably he will be the third millionaire knoller. We have to look for other knol authors coming out with surprise performance. The role models of knol have suddenly changed. Knol authors have to now concentrate on their work. Write men, write. Write more knols. Write more good knols. Promote them. Inform your contacts. Your knol portfolio performance is in your own hands.
손지훈 became a millionaire knoller. His page views now are 1,001,595. Congratulations. He also established a record for weekly page views 101,045.
The Brain, Thinking, and Memory by By
Cheuk-Wah Wong was on the knol home page today. The knol has 5000 page views. Mr. wong is an author. His book A General Theory of the Brain and Memory. North Charleston, South Carolina, BookSurge Publishing, 2007 is mentioned in the references. He has one more paper A brain model with the circuit to convert short-term memory into long-term memory.
48: 221-226. The knol and the book, the paper mentioned make the knol an interesting reading.
There are knols on various counties. There are knols on various states in a country also. Kerala is a state in India. The following are some knols on it.
Cities, Town and Villages of Kerala
There are still more knols on the state. They have to become popular. For each state, province or region of each country we need knols. Knol authors have initiate knols and make efforts to develop them through collaboration.
Knol Progess - Weekly Bulletin was updated. Knols in the system increased to 529,000. It is difficult to interpret this number. Does it include only full knols? Does it include comments also?
Number of top views knols has increased to 2307.
Number of most views authors has gone up to 2820. Last week this number was 2799.For the week ended 8.11.2009 the number was 2708. So around 100 new authors got added to this list. This is a good sign. Once knol management puts a page view level for satisfying the criteria of to viewed author, the number of authors fulfilling this target reflects the progress of knol.
The top three authors' page views were
Page Views Number One Author -
eHowKnol - 1,071,000
Page Views Number Two Author -
손지훈 - 941,000
Within a week the number two author will reach the one million page view mark. He will be the first individual to cross one million mark.
This week
Number of authors with 100,000 page views: 68
Number of authors with 50,000 page views: 157
Authors with 50,000 page views are increasing. Still the number is too low. We have to think in terms of 1000 authors with 250,000 page views per annum. What needs to be done? Authors have to be encouraged to write more knols. Plan to write at least 100 knols. Select interesting topics. Consult your contacts about the topics of interest. Find out from search engines intersting topics. Promote your knols actively.
Some of the names who recently entered the list are:
Mark Bowen,
Darren Pearce,
Keith Craigo,
GolfLink Knol,
anupama sharma,
Julie Garland McLellan,
Tim Little,
Gregory Aymond,
Stephen Bush,
Michael Brown,
Gal Levy
Welcome to all of them. We will see what they have written in the days to come.
Some of the interesting knols are:
Hindi Knol Competition: Hindi knol competition is being done in collaboration with Hindustan Times a leading news paper group of India. Therefore it is bound to attract participation and visitors. Entries are pouring in. See
Just now it shows 27 knols. The knol hindi competition has started working.
The authors that I see are
Neha Chawla,
Hitender Datt,
Gupta Dear,
Suyash chhabra,
rajesh utsahi,
bishwajeet sinha,
Dream Merchant,
Prahlad Kumar Patel,
Sachin Singhal,
Welcome to twelve authors. Hope they write many many knols and provide us and knol readers lot of valuable knowledge.
Knol Sub-Directory - Physics - Interesting Knols is a popular sub-directory with 641 page views. It is due to my blogs in the area of physics. So I could collect 56 knols in this list. There are interesting how knols and why knols in this collection.
The authors on knol who write on Physics include:
A knol writing competition in Hindi was announced. Indian knol authors have to take the competition to many people and enlist them as knol authors. The earlier competition was restricted to the area of cooking only. Now more areas were provided.
The areas in which knols can be written are:
Entertainment, culture and literature
Social, economic and political issues
To support potential hindi persons to write knols in this competition, some topics are being identified under various categories. The first knol is on the category of entertainment - films and film stars.
8.12. 2009
Victor Holman is Performance Management Expert at Lifecycle Performance Professionals
Alexandria, VA. He posted 75 knols so far in his area of expertise. Hope he will improve the performance of knol.
Phil Kongtcheu writes on finance topics related to derivative contracts.
write on mathematics topics.
Mathematics the sub-directory of mathematics knols. Around 25 knols are listed in it.
A marathon took place at Pune on Sunday, 6th December 2009. Augustine Ronoh of Kenya came first with timing of 2 hours 13 minutes and .05 seconds. From Indian runners, Arvind Kumar Yadav came first with 2 hours, 22 minutes and 21 seconds. Congratulations all runners. Marathon runners have accumulated the ability to sustain performance over a long period. They can contribute their ability in many other fields. Here I am on knol to prove that point. Develop Marathon ability and contribute to yourself, your family and to society.
Today the focus of commentary is Wisdom.
WISE MEN AND WISDOM was recently updated by P.V. Ariel.
Wisdom - Research Papers and Articles indicates some articles in the main stream research on the concept of wisdom.
Sajid Khan describes himself as wisdom coach and has his own thoughts on the concept. He is resonsible for making many on knol aware of the concept of wisdom. He has many knols to explain his way thinking on the issue.
Knol visitors enjoy the writings of knol authors on wisdom. You will become wiser.
As the commentator for knol, I wish knol success all the time. I do keep reading negative comments about knol in various web pages, but wherever, there is an opportunity for writing a comment, I write my positive views about knol. Knol provided a wiki based collaborative article writing platform to the society. There are many around the world who have something to share, but do not have the means. Knol provided that means and some are using the platform. Still many are not aware of it and once they become aware of it they will join the crowd.
Knol is a collaborative platform. Each author should welcome others to contribute to his articles and write comments on his knol. But unfortunately there are some exclusive authors who feel they are losing their readers to other authors, if they allow contributions or comments. They remove the contributions, erase comments and even rebuke the contributing authors.
But then a large majority of people live in this world with faith that something better can exist between persons in this world than the combative and manipulative exchanges some persons initiate that threaten to destroy us today itself.
Mainstream Academic Research is nice author name to have. Knol is already having articles from main stream academic researchers. Also we have Sajid Khan whose claims his output to be is layman's research. Mainstream academic research has so far published six knols. In all of them, in summaries, main stream academic research is mentioned for various lines of thinking.
There is a big scope for writing knols on history of USA. US knol authors have to notice it. Knol authors have to make knol a comprehensive sources for knowledge in various subjects. In the process of writing an article afresh, you may be able to bring a new perspective. Only when you focus on a topic, thoughts will appear.
I look for a subject and some authors every day to comment upon. Today History is the subject.
Let me mention, Mumbai marathon, the event responsible to make me a blogger and knoller has attracted the largest number of participants this year. One of my colleagues, a knol author is participating in full marathon this year. I could not participate in full marathon as joints do not encourage me to take up such tough tasks. Best wishes to all mumbai marathon participants and knol marathon participants. Best wishes to spectators of both the events.
Dermatology subject has number of knol authors and very well read knols. As I was compiling the
Top 200 Knol Authors - Profiles I came across
Eric Bernstein at the 198 position. I saw that his subject is dermatology and he had written 16 knols. As I looked around today for knols on dermatology, I could collect 39 knols so far in the directory on dermatology.
Knol Sub-Directory - Dermatology
The authors I located so far are
Eric Bernstein
Knol has excellent author community and very useful knols. It needs more promotion to attract more visitors.
Narayana Rao crossed the 600,000 milepost. 601,558 is the pv on today.
Kevin Spaulding reached the 500,000 pv milepost. Welcome Spaulding. Now four knol authors have crossed 500,000 mark. Many more are on the way.
Eric Bernstein is an active doctor knoller. Published 16 knols so far on dermatology, skin problems. Each is on an interesting topic
Dr. Bernstein is considered an authority in the field of cosmetic laser dermatology, having authored more than 100 articles and book chapters. Knol has many experts like him enriching its library of articles.
is on home page today. It is a very detailed knol worth reading.
Performance of top 200 knol authors
What is the performance of top 200 knol authors?
Compiling their profiles at the moment
Weekly page views of top 200 authors 735,000
Some profiles from that above knol
Dermatologist, Bryn Mawr, PA
wpv: 1164, cpv: 38574
knols: 16, Scotland, UK
Learn the truth about the Buteyko method...
wpv: 2096, cpv: 39,100
Knols: 28, Collections 4
Cosmetic Surgery at Plastic Surgery Research Center
Houston Texas
wpv: 1384. cpv: 38,199
Knols: 97
How to Automate Twitter is an interesting knol. It says you can automate twitter messages and they will keep going at the predetermined times.
Instablogs is a blog network that publishes more than 200 posts a day on 136 blogs spanning 16 niche channels, including luxury gadgets blog
Bornrich and technology blog
Gizmowatch. With 200+ bloggers blogging from all over the world, Instablogs has around 2 million unique visitors per month.
Money Making Using Adsense and Optimizing - Case Studies and Blog Posts contains the link to the case study on instablogs on adsense blog. 200 bloggers site is getting around 2 million unique visitors per month. Let us assume that 4 million page views are coming from that blog per month. How many page views are coming from the top 200 knollers? It will be an interesting question to find answer to.
An estimate gives 28 million as the page views for top 200 authors so far. In the last two months they have delivered around 3 to 4 million page views to the knol platform. Will it be further improved? Or should the next 200 knol authors be developed to deliver the same performance as the top 200?
The knol playground has a new milepost. One million page view post is conquered by eHow. One more participant is being pushed towards the milepost by knol spectators of Korean language.
Salim Djelouat with 313,000 page views is an active knoller connected to the medical field.
Krishan Maggon with 247,000 closely follows Salim. It is fitting that there are top knollers from medical field. Their success should bring some more medical professionals back onto knol to write.
Books posted so far
Directories on Medical topics
One more time congrats eHowKnol
eHowKnol registers millionth page view:
eHowKnol: 1,004,247 page views. Congratulations ehowknol as well as all knol authors.
Ehow is at 999,029 pv today. By tomorrow it may cross one million mark. Great day for knol organisers, players and spectators. We await tomorrow with all the anxiety and excitement. One million knoller appearing on knol running ground. Creating hope for many more knol authors to follow suit.
Internet is a popular category says knol home page.
Best Practices: Writing Good Knols By
Knol Help is running towards 100,000 mark, Of course it is 25,000 short of it.This knol provides guidelines which can help you create useful, popular and positively rated knols.
Environment is under threat is the recognized issue and we need to improve it. Environmental cost reduction is to be attempted and soon some placards will appear on knol.
dr mandi is the man responsible for introducing 250 knol authors.
Dr Dhume is a faculty supporting Mandi.
Student enterprises are their education mission.
Chair Potato, the entertainment channel is reaching the 100,000 mile post.
There is a global meet of industrial engineers at NITIE, Mumbai, India. The flag of knol will fly at that ground.
Engineers running in knol marathon.
JOHANA DELGADO Ingeniera Industrial, Sorteo Extraordinario de Colombia, Bogotá
pramirezt Ingeniero Industrial, El Retiro , Quilpue, Chile
RAUF IQBAL Industrial Engineering Faculty, Researcher, National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai, Mumbai, India
V A R G U X Ingeniero Civil Industrial, diseñador web y gráfico, consultor de TI, VARGUX
Cristian Jean Salesman, Industrial Engineer, International Vacation Club, San Pedro De Macoris
Eisharc Ingeniero Industrial, Vielha
Emilio Ingeniero Industrial, Gedescan S.L., Tenerife
Abelardo Mayoral-Fierros Industrial Engineer, Project Manager, Beer Drinker and Head Banger, Fraser Health Authority, Vancouver, BC
Knol has many industrial engineers and one hopes they make knol efficient.
In Knol Shopping Mall, variety stores are flourising and master's places are languishing. Stock and sell what customers want.
Knol Portfolio Theory
PV is a function of at least two Qs.
PV = Qnt*Qlt
Neglect anyone for any reason, your PV goes down and BP goes up.
Knol is game in virtual world. The spectators to the game come through search engines. Even when there are at the knol play ground, still their telescopes and binoculars are search engine related only. So knollers have to make themselves visible to search engines first.
It is not sufficient that you run on the knol playground. You need to wear the right dress to get noticed. There are some experts who have that aestetics. All knol badges are on their coats. Knol authors need not despair. There are coaches to teach you also the tricks.
I noticed a friend, a co-commentator.
Gary Beal with his
SEO Top 12 Tips. SEO is a marathon, not a sprint, says he. Hi, Welcome Gary Beal, let us share the mike.
On Knol groups are important said Kalle Schwarz. There is a group on SEO
SEO Knol Group. Very popular it is with 7000 pv.
Writing SEO Copy also looks intersting.
Some more horses in the social media pit.
about the announcement of voteupIndia’s “The winner of VoteUpIndia contest Second. Read more at this link:
Knol auditorium has wise people in many subjects. How to identify them? Lists and directories are of some help.
Knol Directory of Interesting Knols is one such display unit. 225 subjects and topics are listed in it.
Knol Directory - Main Categories
Preachers and teachers are running on knol.
Education, indicates the ideas to improve the system of teaching at various levels.
There are 49 pages on associate content com. It is good to know.
Knol has mixers, knol has juicers, knol has whippers, knol has blenders. Knol has blunders and it needs editors. Come spectators along with coments also do edits.
Knols are there for brain and brawn. Brain knol spotting is now over. Let me go and find brawn knols.
I found a brawn knoller. He says "My name is
Dane Fletcher and I have been helping people get Big AND Shredded for more than 10 years. In that time, I've learned tips and secrets about bodybuilding, training, nutrition and steroids that only industry insiders tend to know. As a bodybuilding enthusiast, it’s my goal to see that everyone who is interested in putting on more muscle, or getting super shredded achieves their goals."
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Katey is a good idea. But she has taken rest. One needs to shake her up and running. I said hi.
Original Knol 1966